

I'm sure you've at the very least heard of ChaCha. Maybe you're guilty of even texting ChaCha to get your questions answered. Well, ChaCha is one legitimate work-at-home opportunity in which I currently work for.

If you've never heard of ChaCha, let me fill you in on what ChaCha is. ChaCha is a free texting service. People from all over the United States text ChaCha their questions and the ChaCha guides answer them. ChaCha has four different positions in which they hire for. However, they generally only have one position available for hire at a time.
They have expeditor, generalist, specialist, and transcriber. I am an expeditor. An expeditor is the first person to get the question asked. The job of an expeditor is to answer the question using only their tools. If that's not possible, send it on to another guide who will be either a generalist or a specialist and can better answer the question. A transcriber listens to the questions that get called in and turns them into a text version of the question. I am sure each position has its pros and cons. I personally enjoy being an expeditor.

Being a ChaCha guide is fun. However, you may get some less than intelligent questions. Just take it all in stride and know you will be getting paid for your efforts. As an expeditor, the pay is only $0.02 a question. However, questions do not take that long. You want to have each question answered in under 30 seconds, which is very easy to accomplish with what I will teach you in various blog posts.  If you can stick to that time, then you're hourly pay would be $2.40 an hour. However, there are a lot of questions you can have answered in under 5 seconds, which will obviously bring your hourly pay up. 

I understand that the pay is nothing exceptional, but it is pay and I like it. If you can bring your hourly rate up to $3 an hour then you are looking at  some great extra cash in your pocket. As I said, I will make more posts on being the best ChaCha guide you can be in the future.

If you are interested in becoming a ChaCha guide, follow this link: http://becomeaguide.chacha.com. Fill out the application, and include the email address 'n.elaine85@gmail.com' as your referral guide. This will put you on my team. After you fill out the application you will fill out your w-9 and watch a video. Once you finish all of that you will have quite a few videos to watch. After each short video will be a quiz. As long as you pay attention you'll have no problems. After you finish all of the videos and short quizzes, you will then have your final test where you have to prove you have what it takes to be a ChaCha guide. You will login as if you are a guide and will answer ten questions. After that, you will logout and wait for your results. Once you receive your results, you can start working.

Good luck! If you have any questions on passing and becoming a ChaCha guide, please don't hesitate to send me an email. I want you to pass! My email address is n.elaine85@gmail.com.


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