

So, you may have heard of the Examiner. It is basically an online news article website. People write for their geographic area on their specified topic.

I was originally referred to Examiner from someone on a forum I was on. Unfortunately, after careful review the Examiner was not what I was looking for. I won't say Examiner is a scam. However, I will say it is a scheme of sorts. When you're signing on they do not disclose what the pay is. They just say they pay 'competitive rates.' They tell you once you're in you can access their website to find out the pay structure. In research, I have learned that the only way you get paid is by the pay-per-clicks on their website as well as a basic pyramid scheme. There is very little money to be made with the Examiner.

However, if for some reason you want to see for yourself, you can follow this link: http://apply.examiner.com.


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