
oDesk is making it rain!

So, in the past few days I have completed the following:

- 5 articles on 1 job for The Reynold's Group
-1 report for Rubicon Ventures
-10 articles for Portal Japan
-3 articles on another job for The Reynold's Group

and I've been working on my job for Winley Marketing. So busy!

So, sorry for the lack of posting. However, if you wanna make it rain you should sign up on oDesk too!


ending my night with two jobs complete

Well, I feel accomplished. I completed my report for Rubicon Ventures as well as my articles for The Reynold's Group. That's all I was able to get done unfortunately. However, with the research required to complete both projects as well as having a family, sometimes I can't complete everything I want. I will have met my deadlines for both. Tomorrow is a new day. I can work on my articles for Portal Japan and Travelocity then. For now, however, I am off to bed.

so much to do, so little time!

I just realized how much I over-work myself. I was just going over my oDesk jobs I currently have and their due dates. All I can say is OH MY!!

I just started a new contract today for The Reynolds Group. It's due TOMORROW! I have to write 5 articles between 400 and 500 words on designer sunglasses. That's for $20. I really need the money right now, so that's why I took that one on with such a short deadline.

Then I have my Portal Japan articles. It's a total of 50 articles each month. I have already completed 20. I am on my next batch of 10. I'd like to get these finished ASAP because I average about $45 for every 10 and again, the money is always nice.

Then I have my report on creating traffic videos of Rubicon Ventures. I didn't realize how quickly this was due. I have until February 4th. Eeks! But once I complete it, that's another $50 in my pocket.

And lastly, I have my 100 travel articles for Travelocity. These are all due by February 6th. I have only completed 26. I really need the money from that one, $150.

I just did a list of importance:

1. The Reynolds Group
2. Portal Japan
3. Rubicon Ventures
4. Travelocity

After doing that I did a time analyze for completing each project:

-The Reynolds Group- 2-3 hours to complete research and typing up the articles.
-Portal Japan- 3 hours to research and complete 10 articles, 6 hours to complete the full 20 left.
-Rubicon Ventures- 6-7 hours to research, compile information, and build the full report.
-Travelocity- 4-5 hours to research and complete 24 articles, 14 hours to complete the rest of what is due in full.

All I say is that I hope nobody else pushes themselves to the limit like this. It looks like I'm going to be up until at least 2am working on all of these.

However, to anyone with a lot of jobs; I recommend making a list of importance as well as time analyzing. It makes it easier to see the big picture.

I also have a goal for ChaCha by payday of 2/15. I have to complete 400 a day to reach my goal.

So much to do, so little time! Wish me luck, I'm off to work!


oDesk Proof of Payments as of 1/27/2011

I've been kind of slacking on posting my proof of payments lately. I have gotten quite a few from oDesk. Below is the proof. I included both my payment activity on oDesk as well as my PayPal account overview since I transferred some of my earnings over to PayPal already. As you can see, oDesk is extremely legit. I would recommend it to anyone!


New Sprint/Summer Transition (Scentsy)

Yesterday, I received the email about the transition into the Spring/Summer products. I am super excited about this! That means new warmers, new scents and meeting new people!! It also means discontinuing products & scents and that makes me sad. A lot of my favorite scents are being discontinued. :( However, I love this job! I love the products they offer. I have a party this weekend and I am so excited about it. I can't wait to update everyone about it. Its going to be fabulous, I'm sure. I just want to make this 70-Day Scentsational Start - so I can get recognition and a reward. That would be even more fabulous! Its a great goal and I am hoping I can reach it without having to put money towards it myself.



oDesk - Ezine-related jobs

I just wanted to let everyone know about an issue I have come across with Ezine-related jobs. With a basic membership on Ezine, you can only submit so many articles before they prevent you from posting more prior to your already submitted articles going live. With a basic membership, it takes seven days for your articles to go live. You may think the easy fix is to upgrade your membership. Of course it sounds easy; if you have a spare $97 floating around.

I just now ran into this issue. I am supposed to have 100 articles written and submitted on Ezine within 17 days. However, with this bump in the road, I don't know what to do. The employer pre-paid me a $30 "good faith" payment, which is great. The full job is for $150. So, if I were to pay the $97, I would only make $53 from the job. Of course, this would only be considering if he would be willing to pre-pay me an additional $67. However, it will take time for his payment to clear.

This is a really frustrating experience for me. I just wanted to put the warning out there for anyone else working on or planning on applying to jobs that involve the use of Ezine.

oDesk Team update

I just wanted to bring something to everyone's attention who uses the oDesk Team application. If you install the update, your anti-virus software may pick up a file within it as spyware. I have contacted oDesk. They are aware of the issue and are working to fix it. So, for now I suggest sticking to the original oDesk Team. When I find out it has been resolved, I will make another post.