
oDesk - Ezine-related jobs

I just wanted to let everyone know about an issue I have come across with Ezine-related jobs. With a basic membership on Ezine, you can only submit so many articles before they prevent you from posting more prior to your already submitted articles going live. With a basic membership, it takes seven days for your articles to go live. You may think the easy fix is to upgrade your membership. Of course it sounds easy; if you have a spare $97 floating around.

I just now ran into this issue. I am supposed to have 100 articles written and submitted on Ezine within 17 days. However, with this bump in the road, I don't know what to do. The employer pre-paid me a $30 "good faith" payment, which is great. The full job is for $150. So, if I were to pay the $97, I would only make $53 from the job. Of course, this would only be considering if he would be willing to pre-pay me an additional $67. However, it will take time for his payment to clear.

This is a really frustrating experience for me. I just wanted to put the warning out there for anyone else working on or planning on applying to jobs that involve the use of Ezine.


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