
working from home still requires work

"You want to change your life? Do something. Don't rationalise why you're not."

Working from home is convenient because you can work when you want and how you want. However, it still takes work, time, and dedication. You can say you want to work from home, but think for a minute. Do you want to work from home for the right reasons? Or are you looking to be paid for little to no work at all?

Working from home is still work. A lot of the time, working from home can require more work because you have to seek out the jobs, apply, and really sell yourself. If you're not willing to do this, then none of the work-at-home opportunities or businesses are going to work for you. That's a real shame because everything I post is legitimate and you will get paid for the work you do. 

You just can't be lazy about it. Think about how much you're looking to make and form a plan.  I push myself really hard because I have goals and things I want to do. I do 2,000 ChaCha questions minimum each week. That brings in $160 worth of extra cash each month. With LiveWork, I generally just meet quota. Quota for what I do for Ask.com is 100 questions a week. That brings in $134 each month. 

ChaCha and LiveWork may not pay a whole heck of a lot, but every dollar counts. Think about what you could do with an extra $160 or $134 each month. That could be a cell phone payment, your internet bill paid, or maybe it could go towards buying something you want. I mean, that's almost $300 extra each month! 

I will agree that some of the questions on ChaCha can be ridiculous, but that shouldn't matter if you're getting paid for it. Plus, I can give you some great pointers in handling certain questions in future posts. So, look for those. Just keep in mind that regardless of the content of the questions you may get on ChaCha, you will be getting paid. If you have just 8 hours you can spare each week, then you can do this!

You may think that some of LiveWork's questions are stupid or too hard to answer. Well, you will get paid for your answers. So, put in a little bit of research. That's called work. If you dedicate just 4 hours each week to LiveWork, you can put a little extra cash in your pocket. It's really not as hard as you might think. There are so many questions to be answered, you can pick and choose which ones you want to do. What I generally do is pick a category for the day, start at the top, and answer 25. If I can't find the answer, I skip it and go on to the next. 

oDesk is the one that requires the most time, effort, and dedication. You have to form a nice looking profile and take the tests for employers to take you seriously. Then you have to apply for the jobs and put forth your best attributes in your cover letter. If you're hired, you have to deliver. There are so many different jobs on oDesk, there is no reason why you can't get hired for at least one job. So far, I have made $105 with oDesk. There is money to be made, but you have to be willing to perform.

So, you can sit around and complain that you aren't making any money all you want. However, the answers are right in front of you and are easy to attain. However, if you don't have the motivation to actually do some work, then working from home is not for you. Any work, whether in the home or outside will require work. That is why it's called work. I am here to help you and I can guide you in getting started, but the rest is up to you. Your success and your paycheck lies in your own hands. It's time you take the initiative.


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