
to the questions of should you make a blog

A lot of people have asked if it would be of any benefit to make a blog to write on for writing jobs on oDesk. When I was first being asked this, I was unsure. However, I took a couple days to think it over and really go over oDesk with a fine tooth comb.

In thinking about it, I have to come to the conclusion that although it isn't necessary, it would help. For one, when you are applying for jobs you can only send one attachment. So, if you want them to see all of your different writing styles, you can then also give them the link to your blog. Secondly, I have found that there are some jobs posted about making posts on your blog. This would give you a blog to do this on, which means money in your pocket. Lastly, this will also give you an avenue to get better in your writing.

So, in all, if you are considering making a blog for your writing, I say go for it. You don't need a ton of HTML knowledge. Blogger is a great site as it is public. I would stay away from LiveJournal for this reason. There is also Wordpress and Tumblr. There are a lot of free templates out there. If you need any help getting started with your blog, let me know.

Feel free to check my blog out here: http://a-writer-indeed.blogspot.com/


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