
What kinds of jobs does oDesk have?

oDesk has a very wide variety in jobs. These jobs include web design, writing, customer service, data entry, sales and marketing, graphic design, and so much more. They really have a lot and new jobs get posted daily. It really all depends on what you're looking for.

I, personally, only have done their writing jobs. I love to write and I'm good at it. If you look in my proof of payments you can see that oDesk really does pay.

oDesk has two different types of jobs: hourly contracts and fixed-price. I have never worked on an hourly contract. I am currently hired on three different fixed-price contracts. I recommend charging an up-front fee of 10% when doing a fixed-price contract. This way you know the employer is serious about paying you for your work. I have never had an issue getting paid. On one of my jobs I have been paid $70 and another I have been paid $30. The $70 I got paid so far is out of $225. The $30 I got paid was out of $150. I have a small $15 contract as well. As you can see there is money to be made with oDesk.


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